RE-ENTER has designed and developed a new Entrepreneurial Development Programme, based upon a sound needs analysis and the elaboration of Entrepreneurial Development Practices for unemployed and workers of over 45. The programme is embedded in an innovative and inspiring learning environment through ICT which includes creativity exercises, diversity management and other tools; providing direct and virtual networking opportunities to starting entrepreneurs. Motivational aspects are addressed, with the aim customizing the programme for the different motivations of the target group.

The RE-ENTER guides are designed to develop targeted guides, manuals, recommendations and supporting material to support the wider take-up and roll-out of the project. The guides aim to contribute to overcoming the barriers to older entrepreneur development and address how to use the RE-ENTER programme and approach to do so.

You can download the following guides here:

  1. RE-ENTER Interactive workshop and experience guidelines
  2. RE-ENTER Learner’s Guide
  3. RE-ENTER Guide on (on-line) mentoring and coaching for older unemployed and workers
  4. RE-ENTER Guide on (on-line) cooperation
  5. RE-ENTER Policy brief